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You need quality survey data
because your reputation
depends on it.

We thrive on delivering just that.


of researchers say Data Quality and Service Quality are key challenges when working with traditional research suppliers.

Our goal is to collect the highest-quality data, as quickly as possible. We start with multi-source sampling, drawing on our relationships with dozens of established panels. This helps us maximize feasibility and mitigate the potential biases inherent in working with just one vendor.

Next, you decide if you want to self-serve through our innovative Research Desk platform, or work with one of our veteran project managers. Either way, your data will be filtered through Research Defender, our award-winning fraud prevention software, and cleaned several times throughout fielding — so you don’t get caught in the loop of cleaning and backfilling bad data.

That’s Data Done Different.

Research Defender

The Most Comprehensive Fraud Prevention Platform

Research Defender, Rep Data’s best-in-class fraud prevention technology, leverages multiple API tools to protect your data collection from the threats that plague online research.

From weeding out respondents masking their location or deleting their cookies to identifying professional survey takers or those utilizing copy-and-paste tools, Research Defender is the industry leader in finding, defeating, and outsmarting fraudsters and bad actors.

Research Desk

A Demand Side Platform Built to Simplify DIY Sample Buying

With Research Desk, quantitative researchers can buy the highest quality sample at scale with minimum friction.

Research Services

A World-Class Customer Experience

You never have to do your quantitative research alone. Your Rep Data project manager will be your single point of contact, with access to the latest tools for pristine data collection. Our team will monitor Research Defender flags and outputs, adding expert human oversight to our machine-learning technology.

Our job is to give you confidence and peace of mind, knowing you have high-quality data you can trust.

Trusted by Industry Leaders