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Our studies are inherently complex, dealing with different kinds of content, different types of clients and different types of study outcomes. With Rep Data, we hoped to access higher quality respondents to deliver higher quality data for our clients. Not only have those expectations been met, they’ve been exceeded.

Our rep was great. He helped us develop a repeatable, efficient process to collaborating on studies and getting them through field with as little effort as possible.

Rep Data is so easy to work with, they always have a good attitude and even with seemingly impossible projects their response is "this is what we can do to make it happen." Their team is very experienced in the market research industry and they know exactly what they are doing. They partner with you to understand your needs, think strategically about how to access niche audiences, and they always deliver.

We had a tight timeline and several demographic quotas that needed to be filled. Things worked out perfectly and we were finished on schedule.