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ESOMAR Congress 2022 in Toronto did not disappoint!

Our team was happy to be in Toronto last week to celebrate ESOMAR’s 75th anniversary and attend the first Congress in three years. It was fantastic to see everyone and to hear more about some of the latest, inspirational initiatives and thought leadership in the insights, data and research industry. The theme of the conference was “What if?” in a call to action to innovate and change our thinking in the insights, data and research community. 

One of our favorite tracks of the three-day event was “What if we are Unequivocally Unapologetic about Quality? #CatchMeIfYouCan” which included sessions about how to tackle new challenges in the area of data quality and fraud. Included in this track was “Freeze, Fraudster! Keeping up with the evolving methods of survey imposters” which dove into the inner workings of survey fraudsters' business of deception - including anonymous interviews with real fraudsters, unveiling just how they “trick” the system. A panel of leading data quality experts shared their experiences and best practices, including representatives from OpinionRoute, CloudResearch, InnovateMR, Research Defender and Quest Mindshare.

In addition to all the learning from thought leaders during the conference program, Rep Data was proud to be a sponsor of the Women in Research luncheon at the conference, where the latest research on gender and career parity was presented. WIRe runs the study every five years, and the data presented by Natasha Stevens of Material made it clear that there are still some great strides that need to be made in the area of equity in the workplace. As we continue to grow rapidly at Rep Data, our executive team is committed to helping accomplish this goal. 

We can’t wait for the next Congress in Amsterdam in 2023!

At Rep Data, we’re proud to be a part of changing the status quo in the sample and data collection space. We are committed to unwavering data quality standards for market research, and we have made service our top priority. Just ask our clients! If you are looking for a different kind of data collection partner, or if you have a hard-to-reach, niche audience, we can help.

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