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Rep Data finds niche B2B respondents for PR & marketing agency, Method Communications

Method Communications

Earlier this year, Method Communications was seeking insights to help its client Loom, a business video messaging platform, understand the changing ways leaders and employees communicate and collaborate. This necessitated very specific B2B survey respondents who all worked full-time in a desk-job setting, with a high percentage of respondents (1/3) whose title is team lead or above, works with technology at their job and leads remote/ hybrid teams between 50-1000 employees. Traditional digital recruitment techniques were not well-suited to uncovering this niche B2B survey audience. 

Rep Data delivered the right respondents for the online survey, providing n=3,019 adults 18+ in the United States (n=1,514) and the United Kingdom (n=1,505) that met the stringent profiling parameters. The sample was equally split between gender groups, including representative age groupings and a nationally representative geographic spread of respondents. Data was collected from March 9 to March 30, 2022.

Findings from the research were published in a report published by Loom called “Building Connection in the Post-Modern Workplace.” They found that respondents reported “digital communication has improved their jobs overall, but miscommunication and information overload plague traditional channels.” Part of this had to do with misinterpretation of digital messages, something which technologies like async video platforms can help to alleviate. 

This is a perfect example of the effectiveness of Rep Data’s B2B recruitment methodologies for advertising, communications, marketing and branding agencies that need solid data for client projects. In working with global advertising agencies and communications agencies such as Wunderman Thompson, Siegel+Gale and Goodby Silverstein & Partners, we know first-hand how specific and narrow their survey audience needs can be. Luckily, our approach is fit-for-purpose. Our custom recruitment methods deliver audiences quickly and in budget, as clients are not scrambling to fill quotas mid-field. For niche B2B projects, our proven approach includes building bespoke panels using a bottom-up methodology instead of the traditional top-down methodology. Our custom B2B recruitment methodology employs an expert outreach team to engage survey takers who may not be in panels, sourcing them from business databases, professional association lists and direct from business-related social media platforms. Each individual is verified, enrolled and profiled individually with quality reviews throughout the process. This boosts ensuing data quality exponentially. 

Want to find out how our survey respondent recruitment and data collection methods can help your agency projects? Reach out today