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Founder’s story: How Rep Data provides data collection consistency for market research clients

By Adam El-Khazindar, Executive Director of Strategic Initiatives

In the world of market research, it’s rare to have the same project manager for more than a few consecutive projects, especially in the data collection part of the process. At most large firms, there is a lot of fluidity in team assignments and within the project teams themselves. In a previous career of mine, this meant that my favorite clients would often find themselves having to start from scratch with a new project team. These clients were people that I spoke with every day, developed relationships with, and whose work I knew like the back of my hand. We had developed a synergy and trust that continued to improve with each engagement. Losing these relationships due to internal fluctuations at a large company didn’t work for me, and it certainly didn’t work for them. 

When I was contacted by Pat Stokes to be a founding member of his new data collection firm, Rep Data, what truly resonated with me was his vision of “consistency.”  This vision extends across the business: consistency in the project manager, workflows, sample, relationships and more. The beauty of our business is to create long-lasting relationships, learn about a client’s book of market research work, and create synergies, all of which will help us to knock our and our client’s goals out of the park.

This focus on partnerships starts internally. Our team members share the same ethos, many of us have known each other for quite some time. We have a common process and vision. And the business is set up so that each of us is able to service clients on a long-term basis so we can have consistency in our work.

For me personally, I am able to bring my expertise and enthusiasm to every engagement, and use my problem solving skills - learned by managing more than 500 engagements in previous roles. I’ve seen just how unique every market research project is, each with its own set of challenges.  My experiences have taught me to think clearly and holistically about a project from start to finish and to anticipate issues before they arise. I love that with Rep Data, I can be an extension of our clients’ project team and truly “dig in” to serve their specific needs with a comprehensive approach to data collection solutions. 

The way I see it, our team at Rep Data is perfectly positioned. We have the process. We have the tools. We are the humans standing behind the data. We are yielding the results and delivering the insights needed in this rapidly changing world - and we have been doing so for more than one year now! Our goal is to be a consistent data collection partner over many projects. We strive to make the process seamless, with a focus on delivery every time.  

Rep Data is where you will find me, and my talented teammates, delivering consistency. Join our happy clients!