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Y2 Analytics

Rep Data provides service and care that allows Y2 Analytics to scale for global projects


Y2 Analytics is a market research and data analytics group with extensive experience measuring and analyzing public opinion, predicting consumer behavior, and providing data- driven strategic consulting. Specializing in turning high amounts of data into strategic knowledge that sells products, determines branding strategy, wins elections, and passes laws, the firm applies its expertise to a wide range of projects. As a relatively small firm that often tackles large and complex studies, they require a data collection partner that acts as a true collaborator and partner, allowing them to scale seamlessly to meet client needs.

The Challenge

The Y2 team was finding that, over the years, the service standards from data collection companies had changed significantly. In the past, panel companies and supply vendors would take true ownership of each project, on every level, while providing expert consultation to make sure goals were met. As the industry has become more commoditized and do-it-yourself oriented, service levels have dropped significantly, and relationships have become more transactional. This puts much of the heavy lifting back on the research team to vigilantly monitor each project for quality. For the projects Y2 Analytics undertakes, they needed a data collection partner with an “old school” level of service—one who would advise on current industry best practices, keep a close eye on progress of each project, actively manage quality at all stages, and commit to successful outcomes.

Example, Solution, Outcome

One such project that needed this level of service centered on a global B2C study for a large technology company that required n=25,000 across 15 countries and 12 languages. With a study of this size, Y2 Analytics needed a partner that could create a sample sourcing plan across geographies, eliminating the need for them to seek out vendors in each target market. Y2 Analytics turned to Rep Data for help in order to scale up to this size project.

Rep Data’s expert team was able to fill quotas using innovative and traditional recruitment techniques, tapping into its large partner network, and delivering data in just eight weeks. They provided accurate feasibility estimates so Y2 knew exactly what to expect. In addition, the Rep Data project managers delivered the level of ownership, care, communication, and attention to detail that the Y2 team was seeking.

When the technology client returned to conduct a second phase of this study, Y2 knew where to turn. At this stage, Rep Data’s expertise in respondent recruitment came into play even more. The client needed data from a geo-location and market that had been studied very little and was extremely difficult to reach. Rep Data was honest up front about expected results, and ultimately was able to secure respondent data that the end client found extremely valuable. No other vendor was able to deliver on feasibility for this specific profile.

For Y2 Analytics, partnering with Rep Data and delivering quality data to their client on this project opened significant opportunities. Because the global technology end client works with multiple researchers and firms around the world, they have an internal rating system for their partners. Due to the success of this project, Y2 Analytics now holds a top rating from the client and has a leg up when bidding on new projects.

“Rep Data provides a level of service that I haven’t seen in a data collection firm for more than a decade. They are real partners in an active way and take ownership in every project, rather than simply transacting with us. The team is not only easy to work with, but they are committed to making sure that we are successful and act as a meaningful extension of our team. Rep Data’s support allows us to scale up for large, complex projects because we know we can count on them to deliver.”

Scott Riding, Managing Partner, Y2 Analytics

The Result

For Y2 Analytics, Rep Data:

  • Consistently acts as a true data collection partner for multiple projects across the agency’s client base
  • Provides the high level of service, support, knowledge and communication needed for Y2 to scale its business
  • Gives accurate estimates on feasibility and always delivers on expectations so studies run smoothly and there are no surprises

For the global tech company project, Rep Data:

  • Delivered huge global sample of n=25,000 across 15 countries within the project timeline
  • Accessed extremely hard-to-reach sample in a developing market that no other vendor was able to deliver
  • Achieved a complicated quota structure with different quota setups across multiple countries
  • Helped Y2 Analytics deliver tremendously valuable insights to the end client