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Media Predict

Rep Data’s Research Desk Gives Media Predict Confidence and Control for Its Complex Polling and Research Projects

Rep Data’s Research Desk Gives Media Predict Confidence and Control for Its Complex Polling and Research Projects


Media Predict is a New York based, venture-backed media analytics company targeted at the entertainment and advertising arenas, as well as politics, consumer goods, quick service restaurants and other verticals. The company’s team of professional researchers use prediction markets, dial-testing, and traditional custom research to answer client questions in programming research, concept testing, and ad sales research. Media Predict is known for its highly customized, quick turnaround research.


The Media Predict team is often tasked with collecting data from hard-to-reach demographic groups in multiple geographies. In a recent political polling project, for example, the company wished to conduct research among registered voters gauging opinions on races from the national level down to city mayoral elections. The project was meant to reach populations that have traditionally been di cult to fill for market research and political polling purposes, and it was designed to uncover their values, voting plans, and the issues that matter most to them. This data would be used by Media Predict’s client to develop campaigns that would resonate with the target audiences.

This is just one example of the highly customized research that Media Predict conducts. In every project, the company needs to deliver precise and actionable insights early and fast. Often, the team is tasked with shining a light on consumer attitudes and behaviors in rather specific demographic segments, including di erent generations, cultures and types of digital consumers.

In the fast-paced and complex worlds of politics, entertainment and advertising, Media Predict needed a partner that could deliver highly targeted sample quickly and with quality in mind. Because the company has such fast turnaround times for its client projects, it sought a solution that could fill difficult quotas quickly. In addition, clients use the data to make critical decisions - so quality and reliability are of utmost importance.


Rep Data’s Research Desk platform offered the perfect solution for the Media Predict team. They had already worked with the Rep Data services team to help fill gaps in hard-to-reach sectors and geographies that other sample companies had difficulty in filling. They found that Rep Data’s responsive, round-the-clock, conscientious support had been baked into the Research Desk, along with a high level of expertise reflected in a user interface that was clearly “designed by someone who had used these types of platforms before.” Research Deskworks reliably and consistently in the background, allowing Media Predict to focus on analyzing and reviewing the data.

For the political polling scenario, Research Desk solved various challenges by allowing the Media Predict team to carefully balance the sample from widely different geographies - sometimes dozens at a time. The platform gave them a granular view of sample coming in, allowing control at every level, such as pausing and unpausing specific geographies and making adjustments to quotas and completes.

Specifically, Research Desk allowed Media Predict to:

  • Reach highly targeted, hard-to-reach audiences much more quickly than with other sample solutions
  • Spend less time worrying about sample collection and more time focusing on the research, analyzing data, and providing insights to clients
  • Deliver on-time results to clients because quotas are filled more quickly and labor-intensive data cleaning requirements are low
  • Have confidence that the data collected is high quality

"I love Research Desk compared to other platforms that we've used. Everything is much more intuitive and it gives us a high level of control and visibility into complex projects that have a lot of moving pieces. Plus, data quality has been as high as it gets, which equals far less cleaning on our end. I would like to move to Research Desk for all of our projects in the future. The platform, coupled with Rep Data’s service team, puts my mind at ease as a research manager."

Nathan Patterson, Vice President, Media Predict