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Better data collection for your public opinion and political polling research projects

News cycles move at lightning speed. Public opinion is constantly shifting. Tracking sentiment around political issues, candidates and ballot initiatives has many moving pieces and your data collection partner needs to keep up. With the critical midterm elections coming up in the United States, many are trying to predict the future. Without good, quality data from the right research respondents, this can be nearly impossible. 

Rep Data can help. We partner with political polling and public opinion research companies to help them uncover important data from the right populations. Our expert team finds representative audiences, and ensures quotas are filled evenly and according to project specifications - so there is no last minute scrambling for underrepresented groups. Careful project management every step of the way keeps you informed of progress and ensures that everything runs smoothly.

  • Multi-modal research approaches: Depending on the nature of your public opinion or political polling project, we can blend methodologies to reach audiences of all ages, income levels, and more. Traditional phone / CATI outreach methods only reach part of the population, so we can combine this with online data collection - meshing it all together for a more comprehensive data picture that covers the bases. Our team looks at your desired demographics and audience makeup, and we work with you to determine the best data collection methodology for your political polling or public opinion research project.
  • Advanced audience targeting: Sometimes you may need to survey the general population for your public opinion or political polling project. Sometimes you may need narrower audiences that fall within very specific parameters. We can help! Our advanced profiling and screening can deliver on tight audiences, so you aren’t wasting your time “throwing fish back in the sea.” Whether you need people from a specific geolocation for a local political matter, or you need data from certain age groups, ethnicities, genders, income levels, education levels - our unbiased approach to sample sourcing ensures access to the exact people you need to survey. We leverage API connections with hundreds of panel suppliers. This means greater reach, and more representative sample.
  • Fast programming and fieldwork: Political polling and public opinion research waits for no one. Getting in and out of field quickly, and delivering quality data you can trust, is one of our specialties at Rep Data. Our industry expertise and our approach to multi-sourcing respondent audiences can increase feasibility, speed up field time, and lower cost - so you get your data back on time. And because the issues and trending news change so quickly, you may sometimes need to modify your public opinion or political polling questionnaire at the last minute. Our U.S.-based team of experts is ready to help at a moment’s notice to help you pivot in a swiftly changing political ecosystem. 

In the political polling and public opinion research world, your data collection partner needs to be fast, nimble and have a deep understanding of the industry. Reaching the representative audience you need, quickly and efficiently, can keep you one step ahead.