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We write for Quirk’s about the role of primary research in a cookieless landscape

Quirk's Media

For marketers, the environment around customer understanding and marketing effectiveness initiatives is shifting due to increased privacy demands. One of the biggest disruptions is the upcoming loss of cookies, and many marketers are pivoting to continue to find success. We teamed up with Loyalty Research Center to find out exactly what the highest performing marketers were doing in the changing landscape, and we wrote about our findings in a recent article for Quirk’s: “Primary research may well be the new magic wand in a cookieless future.”

Our desired respondents for the study fell into very specific parameters and included director-level, executive and C-level marketers at leading B2B, B2C and B2B2C companies in more than 15 vertical industries, ranging from financial services to technology and from manufacturing to consumer goods. For this project, we used our “state-of-the-art recruitment approach which identifies individuals and verifies that each one meets profiling criteria.” 

In Quirk’s, the authors write about how marketing leaders are “reallocating marketing budgets, implementing new changes to their technology stack, and placing heightened emphasis on primary data collection.” The eBook we published with complete findings covers more details, but it was interesting to see that marketers are reprioritizing market research, such as panels, surveys, and Voice of Customer (VOC) initiatives to identify contextual segments.

They write: “This rise of primary research makes good sense: first-hand data from audiences can help to fill in the blanks that the ‘cookiepocolypse’ is leaving behind.”The article covers how companies in specific categories are using market research studies to augment anonymous data and track consumer behavior, as well as an ongoing focus on data quality. But, it is important to note that a rise in market research can only benefit companies if they have access to the right niche audiences that can directly advise their brand. “This requires working with data collection companies that can deliver feasibility and representativity even for complex and sophisticated business models and industries.”

They conclude the article with: “Traditional market research approaches will continue to grow and take a front seat in the marketer’s toolkit, especially as the privacy landscape continues to transform.”

How can we help you target your niche audience and boost marketing effectiveness? Reach out today