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We write for Quirk’s on B2B market research sample feasibility

Quirks Media

Pressures are increasing from all directions when it comes to market research sample, and these are exacerbated when seeking targeted business audiences for B2B primary research projects. Our founder and CEO Patrick Stokes writes about how to address some of these challenges in his latest article for Quirk’s, “How to uncover feasibility for niche B2B market research sample.”

Some specific issues when seeking extremely narrow B2B audiences can include long field times, high costs, trouble obtaining  representative sample and filling quotas, and encountering unqualified contacts, unscrubbed lists and low participation rates. An example he covered in the article was a client that was seeking respondents who were corporate financial decision-makers—much different than the potentially more accessible financial services professionals and brokers. Rep Data helped them find success by obtaining highly nuanced B2B market research sample from a wide variety of sources.

It is projects like this from which important lessons can be learned. He says “Sample suppliers must understand intricate audience subtleties to avoid wasted time, or to avoid discovering mid-field that a respondent pool does not meet the desired requirements.This can delay timelines irrevocably and result in shaky - at best - data.”

In order to avoid common pitfalls, Patrick covers five key questions that primary market researchers can ask their market research sample supplier, including:   

  • How are you sourcing respondents? 
  • How are you incentivizing respondents?
  • How much experience does the team working on my project have in market research? 
  • What steps do you take to ensure a quality sample? 
  • How exactly will the job get done on time and on budget?

In the full article, he explains the need for these questions and the kinds of answers buyers should be watching out for. As the need for highly targeted audiences continues to increase, we must take a different approach for filling quotas and achieving quality data, on time. He concludes the article with: “By asking the right questions, you can set the stage for success, even for the most narrowly targeted market research projects.”

Need help finding the right market research sample for your next project? Reach out to us today.