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Latitude and Rep Data partner to deliver valuable in-the-moment video consumer feedback


Deep audience engagement through Latitude’s Lumière® platform coupled with Rep Data’s ability to flexibly recruit the right respondents delivers higher quality insights

New Orleans, LA - 27 July 2021 - Latitude, a video media intelligence company, and Rep Data, full-service data collection and sample sourcing experts, have partnered to better deliver insights on audience behaviors and attitudes surrounding video content. Rep Data’s flexible process for sourcing hard-to-find study respondents has increased return rates to Latitude’s Lumière interactive video suite platform from 7% to 30%. This means more usable feedback and complete insights from representative audiences who stay engaged with video content such as advertisements, program content or both.

“Our studies are inherently complex, dealing with different kinds of content, different types of clients and different types of study outcomes,” said Steve Mushkin, Founder of Latitude. “When we initially began working with Rep Data, we hoped to access higher quality respondents to deliver higher quality data for our clients. Not only have those expectations been met, they’ve been exceeded. They’ve taken the outcomes for our clients to another level.”

Rep Data’s flexible and inclusive respondent recruitment model gives access to a wide variety of sample sources to find just the right people for Latitude’s studies. Within Latitude’s in-the-moment video feedback platform, Lumière, people are often asked to view both short and long-form content, requiring significant and authentic participant engagement. This means it is essential to connect with the right individuals who will engage thoughtfully with immersive and interactive research experiences.

Working together, the two partners have been able to deliver:

  • Increases in respondent return rates from approximately 7-8% up to 30%
  • Higher quality respondents who stay engaged and provide usable feedback (such as complete and robust verbatims), on long-form content viewing of 30-60 minutes
  • Data quality that is a magnitude higher, with greater representivity and more complete insights
  • Ability to accomplish more complicated and valuable studies, even with harder-to-find populations, that might otherwise have been difficult to complete

The partnership allows media and video content companies to gain valuable feedback and consumer reactions surrounding  live, long-form or advertising content.

About Latitude°

Latitude helps its clients better understand, engage and grow their audiences with its in-the-moment video feedback platform, Lumiere®. By identifying behaviors and attitudes surrounding video content, such as advertisements, program content or both, Latitude delivers valuable audience insights. www.latd.com